JRE Library is an attempt to compile a list of all books mentioned on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast by Joe and his guests.
We are the original JRE books website. There are several copycat sites but we are the source of their book lists and content.
Book lists for individual episodes are provided starting from JRE #840. The main book list goes back much further and includes books mentioned in earlier episodes. It is by no means a complete list and we’ve likely missed a few books.
The site has since expanded to include documentaries and various other products mentioned on the podcast.
Please note that some ad blockers may prevent you from seeing book covers and other images.
We have no affiliation with Joe Rogan or the JRE Podcast. We’re just huge fans.
If you have any suggestions, corrections or additions, please feel free to contact us.
Affiliate Disclosure
We are a participant in affiliate advertising programs including:
- Amazon Services LLC Associates Program
- Onnit Affiliate Program
- Rogue Fitness Affiliate Program
- ExpressVPN Affiliate Program
- Bookshop.org Affiliate Program
- Steaks & Game Affiliate Program
- Neuro Affiliate Program
- Kill Cliff Affiliate Program
- Zappos Affiliate Program
- Vitacost Affiliate Program
- Direct CBD online Affiliate Program
- Four Sigmatic Affiliate Program
This site is reader supported and these programs provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com, Onnit.com, RogueFitness.com, ExpressVPN.com, Bookshop.org, steaksandgame.com, getneuro.com, killcliff.com, killcliffcbd.com, zappos.com, vitacost.com, and directcbdonline.com.
We may earn a small commission (at no cost to you) if you make a purchase after clicking on links from our site. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.