Here are some quick stats for The Joe Rogan Experience podcast including total number of episodes (JRE, JRE MMA Shows and Fight Companions), number of episodes per year, total length of all podcasts, longest episode, total number of guests, guest gender ratio, most guest appearances, and most viewed episodes.
Total Number of JRE Podcast Episodes
A total of 2502 episodes have been recorded in the 15 year existence of The Joe Rogan Experience. This number includes the regular JRE podcasts, JRE MMA Shows, Fight Companions, Fight Recaps/Breakdowns, Podcasts on a Plane/In a Car/In Paradise/In a Hotel Room, Joe Rogan Questions Everything, etc.
Number of JRE Episodes per Year
The quantity of JRE podcasts steadily increased over the years reaching a peak in 2019 with 221 episodes. After declining for the previous three years, the number of episodes increased slightly to 184 in 2023. Rogan has yet to take a significant break from recording the podcast. As of late, JRE is releasing 3 to 4 episodes per week with the occasional extra podcast. The frequency of JRE podcasts increased slightly in 2024 and has exceeded 2023’s total.
Total Length of All JRE Podcasts
The total length of all 2502 JRE podcasts (excluding sponsored ad reads) is 6,620 hours with an average episode duration of 2hrs 38min 45sec. Listening to every single episode of The Joe Rogan Experience non-stop would take about 276 days or about 9 months. However, you could always listen to the podcast at 2x speed to cut that in half.
Longest JRE Podcast
JRE #1530 with Duncan Trussell is the longest JRE podcast of all-time. It was released on August 31, 2020 and is 5 hours and 19 minutes long.
Total Number of JRE Guests & Gender Ratio
A total of 1,154 different people have appeared as podcast guests on The Joe Rogan Experience. As you can see, the vast majority of guests have been male, 89% vs 10% female. Four transgender guests have also made appearances on the JRE.
Most JRE Guest Appearances
Around one third of all guests on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast have appeared multiple times with several of Joe Rogan’s closest friends making dozens of appearances each. Check out the searchable and sortable list of JRE appearances above.
The person with the most JRE guest appearances is Brendan Schaub at 93. He is closely followed by Eddie Bravo with 89 appearances and Bryan Callen who has appeared 88 times. Schaub, Bravo and Callen have been the main trio of guests on Fight Companion podcasts so their appearance numbers could be considered inflated.
When Fight Companions are excluded, the most frequent JRE guest is Ari Shaffir with 69 appearances. Duncan Trussell, Joey Diaz, Brian Redban, and Bryan Callen round out the top 5 for most JRE appearances.
Most Watched JRE Episodes
The top 10 most watched episodes of The Joe Rogan Experience podcast on YouTube account for around 410 million views. Elon Musk’s first guest appearance from 2018 is the most watched JRE episode ever. It will be tough to beat as it’s been seen by 69 million people. His first two episodes have over 100 million combined views. Second place now belongs to Bob Lazar & Jeremy Corbell’s episode with 60 million views. The Donald Trump episode has quickly become the 3rd most watched reaching over 50 million views in just a few weeks. Jordan Peterson’s fourth appearance (his first of three episodes in 2018) is now number 4 on this list. Edward Snowden’s first appearance is the 5th most watched JRE episode. Neil deGrasse Tyson’s 2018 appearance is now the 6th most watched. Alex Jones’ 2019 return to the JRE has fallen from 2nd to 7th with 33 million views as it is no longer available on YouTube.
A reminder that views on Spotify are not public and therefore not included.